Donna, Donna  Joan Baez

On a wagon bound for market
There's a calf with a mournful eye
High above him there's a swallow
Winging swiftly through the sky

How the winds are laughing
They laugh with all they might
Laugh and laugh the whole day through
And half the summer's night

Donna Donna Donna Donna
Donna Donna Donna Do
Donna Donna Donna Donna
Donna Donna Donna Do

"Stop complaining" said the farmer
"Who told you a calf to be
Why don't you have wings to fly with
Like the swallow so proud and free

Calves are easily bound and slaughtered
Never knowing the reason why
But who ever treasures freedom
Like the swallow has learned to fly
多娜 多娜  瓊拜雅










 " Dana Dana "是 1941 年發表的歌曲,原本是一首男女合唱曲。它是猶太裔的 Aaron Zeitlin 艾隆澤特霖創作的意第緒語舞台劇《 Esterke 》的主題曲,由烏克蘭籍猶太裔 Sholom Secunda 沙隆塞康達作曲。(意第緒語是歐洲猶太人的通用語言,屬於日耳曼高地語言,但用希伯來字母拼寫。)

 沙隆塞康達自己曾將歌詞翻譯成英文,但沒有引起迴響。如今流傳的英語版本,是 50 年代中期由 Arthur Kevess 和 Teddi Schwartz 翻譯,在 60 年代被民謠歌后瓊拜雅演唱錄音之後,才成為一首傳唱久遠的歌曲" Donna Donna 多娜多娜 "。


 這首歌後來又被灌錄為許多不同語言的版本,包括有德語、法語、俄語、希伯來語、日語和越南語等。至於歌曲中一再吟唱的 Dona Dona 代表什麼意思?有一個說法說它是 Adonai 的變音,而 Adonai 就是上帝的猶太名字。在瓊拜雅的演唱版本中,Dona Dona 被改為 Donna Donna。


 民謠小調〈多娜多娜〉在上個世紀 60 年代的美國家喻戶曉,必須歸功於民謠歌手瓊拜亞的翻唱。在她的版本裡,副歌一再重複的「多娜多娜」,聽起來比較像是「搭哪搭哪」。直到現在還是沒人知道究竟這首歌中的多娜多娜是什麼意思,它的確也有不少唱成搭哪搭哪的版本,因此有人流傳這是猶太人的「神」的別稱。

 雖然是寫待宰小牛與農夫的對話,但其實似乎更暗示猶太人的命運。由兩位猶太創作者在二戰尚未結束的 1940 年寫成,讓人覺得與納粹大屠殺有著很大的關聯。這首歌在亞洲許多國家都很受歡迎,尤其是日本跟越南。不過也曾在韓國被禁,因為同情共產主義的學生間流行唱著這首歌。




אויפֿן פֿירל ליגט דאָס קעלבל,
ליגט געבונדן מיט אַ שטריק,
הויך אין הימל פֿליט דאָס שװעלבל,
פֿרײט זיך, דרײט זיך הין און קריק.

לאַכט דער װינט אין קאָרן,
לאַכט און לאַכט און לאַכט,
לאַכט ער אָפּ אַ טאָג, אַ גאַנצן
מיט אַ האַלבער נאַכט.

דאָנאַ, דאָנאַ, דאָנאַ, דאָנאַ,
דאָנאַ, דאָנאַ, דאָנאַ, דאָנאַ, דאַ,
דאָנאַ, דאָנאַ, דאָנאַ, דאָנאַ,
דאָנאַ, דאָנאַ, דאָנאַ, דאַ.

-שרײַט דאָס קעלבל, זאָגט דער פּויער,
װער־זשע הײסט דיך זײַן אַ קאַלב,
װאָלסט געקענט צו זײַן אַ פֿויגל,
װאָלסט געקענט צו זײַן אַ שװאַלב.

לאכט דער װינט אין קאָרן ......

בלידנע קעלבער טוט מען בינדן,
און מען שלעפּט זײ און מען שעכט,
װער ס'האָט פֿליגל, פֿליט אַרױפֿצו,
איז בײַ קײנעם ניט קײן קנעכט.

作曲者 Sholom Secunda 的英譯歌詞

On a wagon bound and helpless
Lies a calf, who is doomed to die
High above him flies a swallow
Soaring gaily through the sky

The wind laughs in the cornfield
Laughs with all his might
Laughs and laughs the whole day through
And half way through the night

Dona, dona, dona, dona
Dona, dona, dona, do
Dona, dona, dona, dona
Dona, dona, dona, do

Now the calf is softly crying
"Tell me wind, why do you laugh?"
Why can’t I fly like the swallow
Why did I have to be a calf

The wind laughs in the cornfield ...

Calves are born and soon are slaughtered
With no hope of being saved
Only those with wing like swallow
Will not ever be enslaved

Kevess & Schwartz 的英譯歌詞

On a wagon bound for market
There's a calf with a mournful eye.
High above him there's a swallow
Winging swiftly through the sky.

How the winds are laughing
They laugh with all their might
Laugh and laugh the whole day through
And half the summer's night.

Dona, dona, dona, dona
Dona, dona, dona, do
Dona, dona, dona, dona
Dona, dona, dona, do

"Stop complaining," said the farmer
"Who told you a calf to be?
Why don't you have wings to fly with
Like the swallow so proud and free?"

How the winds are laughing ...

Calves are easily bound and slaughtered
Never knowing the reason why
But whoever treasures freedom
Like the swallow has learned to fly


